Oct 19, 2014

Family Locator App - locate family members

wks;a flkd bkafka fldfyo lsh,d n,kak l%uhla'
fïl wema tlla' fïflka mq¨‍jka ´fku flfkla ´fku fj,djl bkafka fldfyo lsh,d n,d .kak'

we;a;gu fïl f.dvla wdrlaYs; l%uhla' Tnf.a ÿj " mq;d biafldaf, .shdo "class tlg .shdo " ke;a;ï fiÜ fj,d Beach .shdo @ (─‿‿─)

t;fldg Thf.a GF fyda BF bkafka fldfyao " fldfya yß ÿr m,d;l Thdf.a hd¨‍fjla hkjd kï tahdg yßhg bkak ;ek fï wema tflka n,,d hkak ´fka mdr lshkak " msgrg bkak hd¨‍fjda fldfyao bkafka n,kak " jf.a f.dvdla foaj, j,g m%fhdackhg .kak mq¨‍jka jákd Application tlla fïl'

tlaflfkla ú;rla fkfjhs lSmfofkla bkak ;eka tlmdr n,d .kak;a mq¨‍jka' jáku foa ;uhs fï wema tl 100] fkdñf,a .kak mq¨‍jka'

creen shot
rEmh u; click lr f,dl= lr n,kak'

nd .kak fu;kska

fuys wu;r jdis
  1. Your family members can see each other, but no one else can see them.
  2. See hospitals, police and fire stations, as well as recent crimes and other threats.
  3. Use Family Channel™ to send short and sweet messages throughout the day.
  4. Only other family members can participate in group chats.
  5. Ditch potentially costly text messages.
fïl Thf.a mß.Klfha jev lr.kak mq¨‍jka' ta l%uh fu;kska .syska n,kak'

fjí wvúfha idudðlfhl= ùug jï mi my,u Join This Site u; Click lrkak' Tng túg tiekska w¨‍;a ,sms ,nd .; yel'

Technical Details 

  • App Name : Family Locator ( Life 360 )
  • Requirements : Requires Android / Apple ios / windows phone
  • License : Free
  • Publisher web site : www.life360.com